Backlinks continue to play an important role in site ranking. If links appear on the resource – then it is popular with the audience and can claim high positions in extradition. On this simple principle, as before is based on the logic of search engine ranking, but with its own significant nuances. First, the link factor is no longer the absolute dominant. This means that the backlinks to the site are still important for promotion, but on their own no longer work, and are taken into account in conjunction with other ranking factors.

Link building is carried out with an eye to Google Penguin. Link spam has ceased to have any influence on ranking results, and link building has been approached in a very calibrated manner. In this article we will tell you how to safely build backlinks and get the desired effect from them.

Stable dynamics of the link profile
An important prerequisite for effective link building is a smooth link building dynamic – when links are built up gradually without any sudden spikes. Bursts of activity (backlinks appear often and in large volume) can alert search algorithms. Their reaction in this case may be different: a dubious backlinks or simply will not be taken into account in ranking the site, or identified as a link explosion and will cause the imposition of the filter.

The optimal dynamics of building backlinks – a purely individual matter. Here there is a correlation primarily with the site’s trust, traffic and current link profile. The higher these indicators, the more actively you can work with backlinks. Much depends on donors – the resources on which to place links. The more trustworthy and relevant they are, the fewer potential risks for the recipient site.

Increasing trust through donor sites
Site trust is a fundamental ranking factor. The higher it is, the easier it is for pages to rank high in search results. Improve the credibility of the site, including through backlinks from trust sites. Estimate this parameter in the potential donor can be indirect attributes: age of the domain, attendance, number of indexed pages, presence in the trust directories, etc. But all this will only give an approximate picture. For accurate calculation of trust use specialized tools, the most popular of which are Ahrefs, Majestic, MOZ.

Allowance for relevancy
Subject site donor site should be in general terms consistent with the theme of the recipient site. Adherence to this principle significantly enhances the effect of each link received and reduces the likelihood of search sanctions for abuse of backlinks. In addition to the thematic proximity of the two sites, it is important to strive to ensure that the document from which you receive a link, was as relevant to the target page. In practice, it does not always work, but it should be strived for, since the effect of link exchange in this case – the highest.

A safe balance of anchor and unanchored links
Building backlinks is important to keep an eye on the anchor list. A link profile dominated by queries with commercial-spam words like “buy,” “cheap,” etc. does not look natural to search engines and is a potential threat to the entire project.

After Runet recovered from the first blow and more or less understood the logic of anti-link filters, anchor links returned again. This does not mean that they have become safer. Abuse of commercial links can still entail sanctions, but optimizers do not abandon their use, because with all the risks they are the most effective in terms of SEO. Proven link building strategy – a balance of different types of links. The optimal ratio of anchor and unanchored occurrences is on average 20% to 80%. With this scheme provides forced SEO-effect and at the same time smoothes the spam.

Young sites that are still in the sandbox or just started to give traffic, it is better to put no more than five anchor links per month, compensating them with anchorless links in a total of not more than 15 pieces. Trust sites can increase the share of commercial links to 7-10 per month, remembering to balance each anchor link 3-4 anchorless links. The anchor list key phrases should be varied, without the obvious predominance of one key.

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